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Text to Braille
Braille to Text
Language table:
UEB Grade 2 - en-ueb-g2.ctb
UEB Grade 1 - en-ueb-g1.ctb
US Grade 2 - en-us-g2.ctb
UK Grade 2 - en-GB-g2.ctb
French Unified Grade 2 - fr-bfu-g2.ctb
French Uncontracted - fr-bfu-comp6.utb
German G2 (BETA) Has Braille to Text Issues
German Grade 1 - de-g1-detailed.ctb
Spanish Contracted Grade 2 - es-g2.ctb
Spanish Braille - es-g1.ctb
Italian Braille - it.tbl
Romanian Braille - ro-g0.utb
Danish Grade 2 - da-dk-g26-lit.ctb
Dutch Braille as used in Netherlands - nl.tbl
Dutch Braille as used in Belgium - nl_BE.tbl
Korean Grade 2 - ko-g2.ctb
Japanese "braille kanji" (BETA)
Tamil Grade 1 - custom table
Simplified-Chinese Braille - zh-chn.ctb
Afrikaans Grade 1 - afr-za-g1.ctb
Afrikaans Grade 2 - afr-za-g2.ctb
Arabic Grade 1 - ar-ar-g1.utb
Arabic Grade 2 - ar-ar-g2.ctb
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